Saige had parent-teacher conference on Thursday night and it's no surprise she's doing GREAT!!! She received all "A's" and is currently on a level "M" reading level. (She entered 1st grade at a level "H"-average to start 1st grade is a "B-C" level) We are very proud of her. Her teacher said that she feels that she could even be at a higher level except she looses interest in the harder books because there are no pictures in them. She also said that she feels that Saige is academically at a "3rd Grade" level with the rest of her work and that she is always keeping her on her toes to teach new and better things.
This month was "Wrangler-Reading Month" at her school. They had reading contests all month long. She won two awards for reading the most minutes in her class with over 750 min per week.
Today she was able to dress-up as her favorite book character...She's "Fancy-Nancy"!
Peyton is getting so very big. She is in a "Big Girl" car seat now. She crawls all over the place. She is into every drawer, disrupts all the rugs, and loves to pull the heater vents out of the floor. She loves to watch the animals on the "RFD" channel with her Dad and makes the noises along with them. She also loves to watch cartoons with the other kids.
She is speaking rather well and really just won't shut up. She says things like "Oh No"-"Uh Oh"-"Please"-"Thank You"-"Welcome"(You're Welcome)"Saigie"-"Buddy"-"Mommy"-"Daddy"-"Grandma & Grandpa"-"Jade-O"-"drink"-"sippy"-"snacks"-"Baby"-"No"-"Love You"-"Up"-"Down"-"Out"-"Cheese"-"I Go"-"Poo-Poo"-"Happy"-"Libby"-"Hi"-when the phone rings she says "HELLO"-says "Nose" when she touches your nose and then says "Beep-Beep"-and also sings "E I E I O"-ETC....
She can also tell you that a cow says "MMMM" a sheep says "BAAA" a kitty-cat says "EEOW" a turkey says "LAO-LAO" an owl says "HOOO" and a rooster says "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH" (I hope you got all that)
She is very busy and just this week has been standing up with out holding onto anything. No steps yet, but I don't think it will be very long.Hesston is becoming more and more fun every day. He is starting to sit up on his own. He loves toys and playing with new things. He loves when Peyton plays with him while he's sitting in the exer-saucer. They play Peek-A-Boo and then both laugh.
He SMILES all the time and is talking and expressing himself a lot more. He will laugh now when you tickle's quite funny!
He is also eating like CRAZY! He will eat a 6oz bottle with 6 scoops of rice cereal and 3 scoops of formula every 3-5 hours. I guess it's just a boy thing...
He still hates his car-seat and taking a bath, but doesn't get quite as mad as he used to. He loves to sleep and will usually sleep through the night and wakes around 7-8am for a bottle and then back to sleep until around 10-11am. Then he's awake for most of the day with maybe a half hour nap around 2-3pm.
I had to put up a picture of him with his "Hesston" belt buckle and his John Deere boots. He loves his boots and when we went to buy them, he actually stopped fussing and started smiling and cooing when I put them on him.
I love this. I love to hear all those little details. Yay for Saige! She is a smart cookie.
I cannot believe Peyton talks so much. Libby says a lot of words we are just figuring out but not that many. We figured out she says book today.
I want more pics of Hesston smiling. I miss my little buddy. That's funny that he likes the boots so much. Life father like son.
I can't believe how big everyone is getting!! Little Peyton is a miss smarty pants just like her older sister apparently- I can't believe she is talking so much!!
Where are you guys now- did you buy a house?
We sure miss you!!
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